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Henry went across to the main school hall today to see the animal man with about 8-10 other nursery children. I didn’t ask how many other children were there but Henry said there were lots. Apparantly he was great and got up and stroked a meerkat, there’s a lovely photo of him doing that. He didn’t want to stroked the snakes, but i think he may get that from me!!


They were late coming back to nursery and the dinner time children were queuing up at the door and when they saw the group coming back the 2 boys at the front starting banging on the door shouting ‘Henry! Henry!’!! Which i have to say is the best part of the story i think!!!!


Henry came back totally happy but said straight away ‘go play outside now?’ and was pretty disappointed that seeing the animal man meant that he had missed going out in the ‘garden’. He didn’t want to wash his hands either after seeing the animals either, he wanted to do it at home. But after a few minutes, and me fighting the urge to fix everything for him, he accepted that he’d missed playtime and washed his hands perfectly, even telling another little boy to ‘pull his sleeves up’!


When we got home i said that he could have a snack and watch cbeebies for 10 minutes before Jennie came to play but when Jennie arrived he wanted to take his snack into the playroom so he could see what Jennie had bought. Woody was straight down and they are having lots of ‘woody time’! Well done again Henry, soooooo proud of you.


O, and he did show and tell again – he took the giant pine cone we got from France and he told everyone that it was a pine cone and he got it on holiday in France!


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