Henry’s achievements in the past 3 weeks have been countless and include;
making lots of new friends – children and staff. They all think that he is wonderful, which we already know!
for the majority of time he looks like he is enjoying himself
he has started to work independently, without prompting, using cues form the other children if necessary. This tends to be during the phonics- read,write, inc session from 9-9.30am
becoming more confident to take part in group discussions and Read More >
Well it’s been quite a few weeks! It’s still totally overwhelming that Henry is going to school. Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning when we get him dressed and take him to school I still can’t quite believe it. He already has a little moan about getting ready for school in the morning, ‘owww why do you have to go to school’. He’d only been about 3 times! Bless him! But he absolutely leaves the house fine and can’t wait to get into the playgroun Read More >

Can’t believe the summer holidays are over already or that Henry’s school uniform is laid out on his bedroom floor ready for him to put on tomorrow. The further Henry progressed on the Son-Rise Program we have thought about and talked about the possibility of Henry going to school but it was so hard to imagine it actually happening and now it is about to! Bridget, our fantastic volunteer and friend, who has been with us from the beginning, always said this day would come even when I Read More >

Hi everyone,
Penny has done an amazing report in preparation for our annual LEA meeting tomorrow and I thought it would be nice to share Henry’s astounding progress with you all…
Henry started at Holland House Day Nursery at the end of March 2011 and attends on a Monday and Friday morning from 9-11.20am
Henry has settled into nursery really well and does not have any additional support and treated the same as any of the other children
Henry has made a ‘best friend’ c Read More >
I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a while now as I still can’t believe how amazing Henry has been in the last few weeks.
I’ll start with our amazing family trip to the circus. My dad does the signage for The Great British Circus and managed to get us ringside seats. We tried to take Henry a few years ago and I ended up sitting in the car for 2 hours as it was all too much for him with the noise and being so close to the animals.
This time around was a whole different st Read More >
Helping Henry would like to thank everyone at HMP Parc for the sponsored footie match between staff and inmates which is being held this afternoon and has raised over a thousand pounds. Special thanks go to Henry’s uncle for coming up with the idea and collecting sponsorship and to Jason Bekker for making it happen, a big thank you also to Stephen McPhail for providing a signed Cardiff City shirt & Ryan Jones & Michael Bishop for the Welsh rugby shirt which are to be raffle Read More >
Last Thursday and Friday we were lucky enough to have a really special visitor.
We have had monthly telephone consultations with Carolina since august 2008, just before we were about to start our full-time programme in the September. I remember Warwick saying ‘what are you going to ask her?’ on our first consultation as we had been running a part-time programme since February 2011 in his bedroom but the playroom wasn’t quite finished and we hadn’t started with any volun Read More >

Just wanted to say a thank you to my lovely husband for his wonderful words, it was really beautiful to read what Warwick had written about our life with Henry. As many of you have picked up on though, it really hasn’t just been down to me.
Aside from anything else Warwick has mainly (along with my poor mom and the odd person who unfortunately picked the wrong day not to say thank you to me for holding the door open for them!) had to put up with my tantrums, tempers, breakdowns, panics Read More >
Wow! I’ve just been so lucky to take Henry to Nursery this morning and witness how amazing he is!
He hung his coat up and off he went with his friends!
Sat down with them all and joined in, counted to 20 with all the kids and volunteered to put number… 20 on the wall (how many kids there today) and it was also ‘Show & Tell’ and Henry took his fav teddy in and when it came to his turn he said “this is my teddy – I take him to bed” and also R Read More >
I just wanted to write a post to say how proud I am of Henry and the joy and love that he brings to my life every day.
It’s been a long journey since we found out Henry had Autism in 2008 and I still remember that day well and the tears we shed as we drove home from the assessment.
At that time we had no idea how the next few weeks would be, let alone the next few years. We were scared for the future and for what sort of life Henry would have.
We knew we would do whatever we could to make Read More >
Henry has been to nursery and was amazing beyond amazing!
Thank you so much to everyone that has been there for us and Henry – he was a credit to all today and the hope and belief that everyone has always had in him.
He was shy at first and told me on the way that he would be shy with new people and he asked to take his teddy with him.
When we got there he hung his coat up and we went into the nursery.
It was really busy with lots going on and at first i wasn’t sure he was going to b Read More >